Are straight men OK?

By Unloving - 31/12/2009 21:47 - United States

Today, a man proposed to me in classic style on one knee. Unfortunately, I have been telling this man for the last two months that I don't even want to date him. He thinks I'm playing hard to get and is not giving up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 171
You deserved it 5 025

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's alittle creepy. I gotta say. Sorry.

Tell him to buy you a new Lexus and then you'll think about it. If he does it, tell him you think he's insane and you just don't see yourself spending the rest of your life with an insane person (but thank him for the car). If he doesn't do it, tell him he obviously doesn't really love you. Either way, you win. There's always a positive side to every bizarre situation.


jane99 0

Why so many FML's like this lately?

waterynuggets 0

This site has really real trends.

justmyluck1212 0

Lately there have been tons of FML's about creepy stalker guys.

Yeah, sensing a trend. Without further ado, here is a creepy disaster avoidance cheatsheet for men (and female stalkers too): 1) Do -not- call a person you met within the last week more than three times a day (this includes voice mails). 2) Do -not- tell a person you love him or her within the first two weeks of knowing them. Unless you're really drunk. But still, don't do it, anyway. 3) If she/he does not pick up her/his phone while at a movie or a party, and nobody is literally dying, leave a message and wait a whole hour before trying again. 4) If he or she has stated she said one of the following: "Do not call me, ever again", "You're not my type, at all", "Get the hell out of my bedroom", or drawn a handgun on you, it is time to cut your losses and move on. 5) Do not propose marriage to anybody who has said any of the things in #4, or who you have known less than one month, even if a sparkly angel comes down from heaven with pretty ribbons and says you are made for one another. Some easy tips to follow for not looking like a sociopath or having the people you like get restraining orders against you.

xxrockmysocksxx 1

That's crazy I would flee the country haha then again he may not get the hint!

grampa_pubes666 0

Tell him to buy you a new Lexus and then you'll think about it. If he does it, tell him you think he's insane and you just don't see yourself spending the rest of your life with an insane person (but thank him for the car). If he doesn't do it, tell him he obviously doesn't really love you. Either way, you win. There's always a positive side to every bizarre situation.

Or... tell him you're only really attracted to guys in the army. Maybe he'll take that as a hint and enlist. At least then you won't have to see him while he's in basic training, and if you're lucky he'll get deployed and you won't have to see him for years. And the silver lining: you'll be helping the armed services by increasing the available troops (only by one, but every little bit helps!)

Helping by adding a mentally unstable individual to army?

BrownSugar_fml 5

lmao "get the hell out of my bedroom"

Don't worry, he'll learn in time that he's not for you. He might even feel like an idiot after.