
By DamnTornadoAlley - 30/08/2012 05:55 - United States - Wichita Falls

Today, I had to force myself to take a dump at school, even though I have severe restroom anxiety and shyness. I had finally relaxed enough to go when the tornado drills went off mid-dump, and 46 students and teachers packed into the bathroom with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 144
You deserved it 2 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As the fables of old say: That's a pretty shitty situation.

msCherry973 2

Look on the bright side, you were the first one to safety :-)


Stoopid_life 2

Should of flung it over that's disgusting.

LadyJoker21 0

Worst fear ever. A fire drill happening while you are in the bathroom and you are not accounted for and everyone freaks out and starts looking for you.

Wait, you can fit 46 students and teachers in your school bathroom? Wow! When I went to school you'd be lucky to fit 5 in.

Umm, why the **** is the bathroom the tornado shelter?

Luisaaaaaah_ 3

Ohmygosh. Just go kill your self now.

swann14 2

Man that really ****** sucks.

Evath 7

That's horrific, I am so sorry OP.