
By musicman2005 - 30/03/2009 04:41 - United States

Today, I was at work, about to go to lunch. There were some girl scouts out front selling cookies. I told my manager that I would be using a different exit, and when he asked why, I told him that girl scouts really annoy the crap out of me. The girl scouts out front were his daughters. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 941
You deserved it 64 500

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cluztycutie0728 0

Well, they are kind of annoying. Cute, but annoying. I hate the way they try to make you feel bad if you don't buy some cookies. Don't feel bad, I know plenty of people who feel the same way.

FIRST :] Wow... haha. I clicked both, because you shouldn't have said that; it's obviously not polite to slander little kids. However, how could you have known that they were his children? So, your life is ****** but you deserved it. But, really.. haven't you seen photos of his children on his desk?


FYL man. How could you know, and you told him the truth. **** him.

TheNameless_fml 0

A nice cover-up would be to tell him it's nothing personal and you just had a horrible experience with Girl Scouts when you were younger.

Your point? I would just tell him, "It doesn't make a difference. I still hate girl scouts." Its not like you should change your opinion on his behalf.

Captainshit 0

Rofl. I do the same thing because i feel bad if i don't buy them but I'm broke. :P

relax, my daughter is a girl scout and they drive me crazy too.

I don't see what the issue is. So it's his daughter. So what... he'll either learn to accept that not everyone like girls scouts or... well maybe he'll get therapy for it. Personally I think the cookies are a ripoff anyway because I've been told they're smaller than what they use to be, but cost even more.

Ummm I don't believe this, seeing how cookie sales ended a few weeks ago.

not your fault, you had no way of knowing

Just ignore them next time and walk past them.