Alcohol ain't no joke

By WellPlayedMother - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff

Today, I discovered, after years of being grounded for losing my belongings, that I didn't actually lose anything. Instead, my mom drunkenly admitted to tossing my stuff away and then punishing me for it whenever she was mad at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 700
You deserved it 1 072

Top comments

airdude25 18

Your mom is a freaking douche. I'm sorry OP!


Sorry OP but your mom should be draged to a public place, pilloried and pelted with rotten vegetables by the whole town. But sadly there is no law against being a manipulating giant douche.

HPCullen251 21

But there is a law against emotionally abusing your child, which I think the mother's actions would qualify as.

There is. But going on trial against your own parents is a thing not many would do. I know a girl who did. But you should be prepared to not talk with you parents for years or maybe never again.

That is Ph.D.-level premeditated douchebaggery. I hope you are out of that hell house, or will be soon!

Well just keep this in mind for when it's time to put dear old Mom in a nursing home.

Sorry to hear OP. It sounds like her reason for being mad at you wasn't a legitimate one (or she would have grounded you for that..) Just manipulating the situation to seem like her anger was justified. Not cool.

Yep, that summarized OP's FML. I'm sure it was understood or OP wouldn't have written it to essentially say just that. Good for interpretation though, if another reader doesn't figure it out.

For everyone speculating that they think this is abuse, you guys are right. It's a form of psychological abuse called gas-lighting, which is a way abusers manipulate their victims into doubting their own memory, perception, or sanity.

Thanks for the information. My husband has done this a few time throughout our marriage. I didn't know it had a nane.

You might want to gently bring this up to him and how it makes you feel. I don't know anything about your marriage so I don't want to encourage you to do something you don't feel comfortable with, though.

Well played? That's one one to say it...She was using you for years, to deal with her own anger and frustration, without any regards to your feelings. What a shit parent.

Punished for losing your stuff? What reason is there to get punished for that, it was YOUR stuff. Maybe if it was her stuff it would be logical (minus the part about lying)

I think it depends on the case. If a capable kid/teen constantly loses the stuff their parents buy them, or important items, because they're irresponsible, messy, and careless, a punishment might be needed to teach them how to be more organized and caring about their things. Especially since, in the real world, with jobs, and even school, losing things isn't tolerated very much. You're expected to be organized enough to keep track of stuff. I consider this more of a punishment for being irresponsible, not necessarily for the item they lost though. However, everyone loses and misplaces things sometimes. It isn't like it's done purposely so I don't think it's really disrespectful. So for the most part, I don't think a punishment for this is right, maybe talking and teaching them how to improve would be better. Either way, it doesn't matter much for this case since the OP never really lost anything. The mother is just a manipulative bitch.

Disrespectful? Unfortunate, maybe, and a bit irresponsible, but disrespectful sounds deliberate.

Your mom is a manipulative, deceptive, controlling, liar with anger issues who exploited the situation simply because she wanted to punish and humiliate you for no reason. This sounds not only abusive, but kind of sociopathic. If it were me, I'd cut her out of my life, what she did shows her true character, and nothing good is in it, her behaviour is unacceptable. It terrifies me that people like this have kids.

It may be difficult to cut the mother out if the op is underage and still living at home