
By Anonymous - 09/08/2012 14:26 - United States

Today, my dog farted so loud in his sleep that he scared himself and woke up barking. This afternoon I achieved the same feat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 583
You deserved it 4 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Comments looks like your part a squirrel yet?

jcmjr 4

Omg thank u I almost laughed farting!!!!

laurapiggy 3

Love it! Is there anything funnier than farts?? I made up my own major in college in: "fartology".

congratulations that's one of the list.

64- Your bio makes me want to kill myself...

Thats ok sometimes I bark in my sleep too

SfdIx 3

How, in anyway, is this a fail. This is a 100% win. A fart that wakes you up? I'm jealous.