By loser weeper - 26/11/2018 21:00 - United States - Cape Coral

Today, after looking for my phone for three weeks, I used find my iPhone to track it to my sister-in-law's house. Her response? "Finders keepers, losers weepers." FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 926
You deserved it 284

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And this is what the police are for. You get your phone back, she gets a court date.


maroongrad 13

"Hello, Mr/Mrs SisterInLawsMaiden Name, I wanted to talk to you about CrazyBitch'sName. I'm a little worried about her mental health and wasn't sure who to approach about it. But if it was my family, I'd want to know. About three weeks ago she stole my iPhone, but that's not the part that worries me. Thieves happen. What worries my is that when I tracked it to her house, she actually said "Finders Keepers Losers Weepers." I'm not going to press charges or anything because I'm honestly more worried that she's on drugs, or is supposed to take medicine and isn't, or something else is going on. I've known her "x" years and am very surprised by the theft, but very shocked that as an adult woman, she said that. It's just not normal and it worries me, and I wanted to let you know because, well, she's your daughter. And if I were you, and someone saw my daughter having problems and didn't tell me, I'd be very very upset." Emails are useful. Phone messages, too. Have some fun in the most nice, helpful, ****-up-her-life way possible. Enjoy!

No that's called theft and in some states its felony.

bl3ur0z3 17

Felony theft is over $500 and the lowest price of an iPhone is $550 so I'd say your sister in law is a future felon.

rjdr 7

Felony theft laws vary greatly from state to state. Never assume, it makes you look ignorant.

She seems to have an airtight case as set up in case law of Rubber v. Glue and reaffirmed by I Know You Are v. What Am I?

It took 3 weeks to track it why?? If she isn't gonna hand it over report her simple

How close is spouse to sibling? I'd report her for theft... or go to the house and retrieve it by whatever means necessary.