Admission time

By peeoncarl1111 - 29/01/2011 01:06 - United States

Today, I got my wisdom teeth cut out. While my girlfriend was driving me home, I, still being high on the laughing gas, accidentally admitted to cheating on her. She was kind enough to wait until the numbness wore off before she punched me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 483
You deserved it 120 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kcnutt10 1

**** YOUR life? No. YDI. You ******* douche! This may come as a shock to you, but women have feelings too. If you love or want to be with someone else, then just break-up with your girlfriend. It's that simple. Yea, it may cause her pain from the break-up, but not near as much pain if she realized you cheated on her. It's douche bags like you that make it hard for the few good men out there who actually respect women. Eat shit! I hope she dumped your sorry, pathetic ass.


I dont care if he cheated on her and accidently admitted it, having your wisdom teeth out is painful after all is done, punching him in the face was definitely not justified. If I were him I would have punched her in the face afterwards, hoping she lost a few teeth in the process

I've had my wisdom teeth pulled, and have actually ran into a door the next day. I sat on the floor, right where it happened, and just cried until my brother came to my rescue. To be honest, I feel no sympathy for this guy. He got was was coming to him as Karma. And, looking at these comments of people seeing the same view as me, a lot of people seem to get butthurt easily when they say that, yeah, he got what was coming. When you're cheating on, it SUCKS. You feel disgusting, betrayed, and undeserving of another person's love. It's more emotional and mental damage then ever getting punched right after having your wisdom teeth pulled. I don't think any of you can really understand until you've seen both sides. I'd rather have the door incident happen again then have the supposedly "love of my life" confess he was unfaithful, again. ... Or he's just making all this up. idk

Susuluvu 0

... How exactly will that solve the case? Even if he punched her, it will just make things more worse. Yes, it was wrong for OP's girlfriend to punch him but hurting her back won't do anything but bad.

Ok the punching her in the face back was a sad attempt at humor, but cheating or not, hitting someone other than self defense is never justified, and that is assault. ESPECIALLY after mouth surgery, that was scummy of her, period. MOUTH SURGERY. Imagine getting punched in the stomach after getting your appendix out, being sore and still a fresh wound, stitches and all.

Acousticpixie14 6

I'm pretty sure if you felt that rampage of emotion she was feeling, you would not have stopped to think about what you were doing. We females are notoriously over-emotional and often quite impulsive as well.

go bitch about your stupidity for cheating on her in the first place somewhere else

ddjjrrff 0

you people need to stop. so what if he cheated?? i would like to know how many of those people whom said YDI cheated because just like everyone he IS a human being just like everyone here wich what does that mean? it means that perfect should not even be a word because nothing or nobody in this world is perfect or ever will be and we all make people dont know who this person is or their history so dont you people go on judging and cussing at him because really its like saying the same thing about yourself.

Acousticpixie14 6

He cheated, and got some karma for it. He did a bad thing, and a bad thing happened to him, so yes, he does deserve it. That's not judging. And honestly, no I'm not perfect, and I have never cheated on someone, nor will I ever. If there's is any possibility that you could cheat on the person that you are with, you shouldn't be with them, because obviously you aren't serious enough about them. Also, he said he "accidentally" admitted it. Which implies that he had no intention of ever telling her. Now tell me, if you were a decent person, and just had a temporary lapse in judgment, would you go and try to hide it? No, you should tell your bf/gf/spouse/partner what happened and that you're sorry and MAYBE you can sort it out. He didn't do that.

ddjjrrff 0

you people need to stop hating on him.i would like to know how many people pressed the YDI button has ever cheated. he is only a human being just like every one of us wich means that nobody in this world is perfect or ever was or ever will be.everyone makes mistakes and you have to accept it no matter dont know this person or their history so you actually think that reading their FML will give you the right to judge them?? you people are crazy!!

Yet another dumbass FML. "I did this stupid thing, and got what I deserved. FML" It's guta like you that make the rest of us look bad.

you are a cheating asshole, and you deserved it