
By knzknz - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I was asked if my bellybutton was an 'innie' or an 'outtie.' My bellybutton has been hidden by fat for so long that I couldn't remember. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 934
You deserved it 42 234

Top comments

Not an inni or an outi. That's what we call a 2nd vagini.


wh1teb1tch92 3

innie bt hey a jog n a few sit ups wouldnt hurt

iPoopChickens 0

It's called working out. You should try it.. Especially if you can't see your belly button. Probably not healthy as well.

crabbyapple 2

That's really sad.... I'm overweight, and I can still see my belly button. I wish you luck if you do decide to lose weight.

JinxosGirl87 0

Why would someone care enough to ask about your belly button?

lke0921 0

That's ur own damn fault. Do some sit ups.

The stomach could be so big that it's impossible to see over and Op has to use a rag on a stick to clean themselves

For your own sake, never, ever tell FML you're fat. It only leads to trouble.

Um, I'm a size 12 and yet my belly button is CLEARLY an innie. You must be huge...

ReynshineCutting 10
ReynshineCutting 10

There are other variables that can make people fatter than specific medical conditions like thyroid problems. There's a specific gene that when discovered was nicknamed the fatso gene, and people with this gene are fatter. Also, some people have more fat cells than others. It's possible for some people to have twice as many as super thin people. There's nothing you can do about the number of fat cells (except lipo I believe), so if you have a ton you will be fatter. Yes some people out there just gorge on junk food and never get off their asses, but not everyone's like that. For others, they can work out, eat healthy, do everything they're supposed to and they can only lose a certain amount of weight before their body won't lose anymore. They can work their asses off but they just can't lose anymore. It's also possible to be fat and fit. There are plenty of people that are fat, but are healthier than their skinny counterparts. They'll have better cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, etc. So being fat doesn't always mean someone's unhealthy.

Stop giving them more excuses. My tax dollars are paying for those ******* scooters