Abort test! Abort test!

By Lindsey - 24/05/2014 15:22 - United States

Today, I took my driving test. I had pulled out of my three point turn in a neighborhood and started driving again, thinking something wasn't quite right. The lady testing me looked over at me and said, "Sweetie, you're driving on the wrong side of the road." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 255
You deserved it 20 820

Same thing different taste

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On my first try, I was so nervous that I went around a roundabout the wrong way and ended up on the wrong side of the road.

It's much more difficult to pass now that it used to be so just learn from it. Just so you know, I was certified as a driving instructor and after a trip to Japan, I drove in the wrong side for a minute too. We all make mistakes.

Sorry OP, but YDI. Keep trying and don't give up. You're definitely not alone in this.

grapefruit_hd 7

But you don't get offended by calling it Britain when all the countries in Europe are all connected in one country or will

indiegirl0591 4

Well OP at least she sounded nice about it. The lady who tested me was mean and yelled at me a lot.