A shooting waiting to happen

By Never Been Arrested - 01/03/2016 21:44 - United States - State College

Today, I was once again mistaken for an escaped convict. I live near a women's correctional facility and apparently my nursing scrubs look a lot like their prisoners' uniforms. The cop made me late for work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 347
You deserved it 1 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, atleast you have a good Halloween costume next year :)

Again? Just how often does this happen to you?


FilleNoir 21

I'd be a bit on edge if there's a cop patrolling my neighborhood looking for escaped cons.

If you buy your own scrubs, maybe you should think about getting some different ones.

I think your bigger concern is that apparently you live near a prison from which convicts frequently escape?

Dose t say there are frequent escapes but when a cop sees someone and it looks like they are in a prison uniform then they are going to pull em over and check it out regardless of whether they are actively looking for cons or not.

Perhaps don't wear your scrubs in the car? Put a sweater on over them? I usually don't drive with my scrubs on (the top anyway), and just have it in the passenger seat to put on when I get to work.

the only time i've had to change at the hospital was when im going into theatre. every other time, i just wear my uniform to and from work. my brother who is a chef also wears his whites to and from work.

hbs11476 9

Try waiting and changing into scrubs when you get to work.

... exactly what I was thinking - simple and effective solution!

So ummm did it ever occur to you that you should change into your work clothes AT work??? I have a feeling this will not be the last time this happens to you.

nocolexo1 4