911 please

By hurts - 04/05/2009 18:48 - Canada

Today, I was helping my friend wash dishes. As I went to grab some tongs to dry them, I impaled my forearm on a knife that was sticking blade up. My friend wanted to finish the dishes before taking me to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 664
You deserved it 4 993

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Komatose 0

You should've stabbed him/her and then said "You're right, these dishes do need cleaning."


Don't mess with dishes if u don't have to. #62 why r u calling yourself an idiot?

musicloverr 0

SHIT THAT SOUNDS SOOO PAINFUL i am so sorry man. and btw your friend is a dickkk

Cormophyte 0

I can't make a judgement unless I see the wound. You could just be a pussy.

ouch did it look kind of like this? http://www.whycindywhy.com/?id=uqkmyek6zwqt0g66syhyv8gjdpogeb this picture is nasty

Boy, I wish I had a friend like that. Dumb asses.

jumpgurl23 0

tongs? why would u grab those to dry them?

sniperwill0 0

That's why knives should never be sticking blade up. Accident waiting to happen. Your friend is an asshole for not taking you to the hospital immediately, and also negligent for having a knife sticking up that way to begin with. Also, 59: One can safely assume that the OP didn't type this all up while waiting to be taken to the hospital. S/he went to the hospital, got his/her arm fixed up, and typed this out later. The injury isn't in his/her fingers, so it should be no surprise s/he can type once something's wrapped around the hurt arm.

NoBounceNoPlay 0

I don't understand why anyone would say this person deserved it; it was an accident. Like, who deserves to be stabbed in the arm while they're doing dishes… wtf.

Should have shown him what it feels like.