By marisacb - 13/03/2013 18:52 - United States

Today, I was hanging out with my best friend. Depressed, I started telling her about my terrible week. A woman came over and asked me to not be so "whiny and negative" in front of her children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 292
You deserved it 7 727

Same thing different taste

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Not sure whether depressing stuff should be discussed in public, but then again you probably have/had bigger worries at that time. Good thing you're talking about it to somebody, though. It's the first step on the way to getting over the depression.

sofitina 20

Whether or not you were being Bitch, whiny, annoying, etc. that's still not something you say to someone. People these days are rude. Couldn't she have moved her child away and such? Sigh, people.


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It was a private conversation. What right did she have to tell her that she couldn't vent to her friend?

The right of passage! No wait, that's not right... the rite of passage? Writing of passage? Maybe she battled to acquire the right to partake in festivities? (Anybody get this reference? >_<) Oh, I give up.

Is that some sort of public rule I'm not aware of? Shit, I'd better not speak in public then. A lot of my conversations are negative or "whiny". That's part of the fun of having can bitch to them about your shitty days, and they can bitch to you about their's.

fishstick557 14

Should've told her "could you not be such a bitch in front of me when you don't even know my situation?"

BellaBelle_fml 23

I do think that the mother could have simply moved her children to a distance where they wouldn't be able to hear what was being said without having to have any sort of a confrontation. However, if moving to another location wasn't possible for some reason, and if the OP was using curse words or was talking about an adult topic loud enough for the mother's children to clearly over hear what was being said, I could totally understand why the mother would ask her to refrain from doing so. I understand that it was a private conversation that did not involve anyone else but her friend. I can also understand a mother not wanting her children to over hear or pick up on certain negative things, cursing, or some adult content. But we don't know what her conversation entailed, wether it was completely harmless or not.

19, although OP could have been having a quiet and private conversation, there IS the chance that OP was being loud and obnoxious. After all, the woman DID hear everything OP was saying. Then again the woman might have just been nosy. Either way I don't agree with what the woman did unless OP was ridiculous but everyone here is making assumptions.

Not sure whether depressing stuff should be discussed in public, but then again you probably have/had bigger worries at that time. Good thing you're talking about it to somebody, though. It's the first step on the way to getting over the depression.

Considering a large portion of Americans share depressed or highly stressed states, open, public discourse could be socially positive.

I am very open about me depression/bipolar, as it not only helped me accept it, it has also helped others I know realize help is available. But there is a time and a place for taking about this. If you are talking in public about it, try to do so in a way that won't freak people out. Not everyone knows how to handle it. I hope things start looking up for you op.

MarisaCB 16

Just a bad week, really. Nothing too personal, but I was on the verge of tears.

Too many are easily offended and over sensitive. They don't know how not to over hear something and complain. I thinks it's the main reason I've learned to talk lowly if I need to talk about negative stuff in public. And for an Italian, that's tough ;)

BellaBelle_fml 23

I'm sorry that you are going through a tough patch in your life, OP. I hope things will start looking brighter for you soon. Keep your chin up!

Op tell her not to be a bitch in front of her children

xKeroseneHearts 9

She doesn't want your "Emo" to rub off on her children. Lol some people

This curiously reminds of the "Bacterial Contamination" youtube vid by Hatsune Miku.. .-.

oj101 33

Can anyone else see the irony? #4's pic is kind of emo

Did you see her profile description too? I'm almost crying.

I'm sorry, but your use of the word "emo" is completely wrong here, you ******* scenester. Emo is not a fashion statement. Emo is not a way to describe someone. A person that cuts their wrists and has long "emo" hair is a depressed scenester. Emo is, however, a genre of music. Looking at your musical tastes, you probably consider Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance to be emo. they're not. They're just mediocre pop-punk bands that wear more makeup than the rest. Emo is defined as an off shoot of hardcore punk. The word "emo" is short for "emotive hardcore" or "emotional hardcore" because it blended emotional lyrics that weren't just about anger with hardcore riffs and beats. Some REAL emo bands are Rites of Spring (arguably the first true emo band), At the Drive In, and Sunny Day Real Estate. One could make a strong argument that La Dispute, Piano's Become the Teeth, and Touche Amore are all modern day emo bands for combining passionate and heartfelt emotional lyrics with post-hardcore. Sorry for the rant, but this person needed to be educated on the subject. On a side note, does #4 realize that Dahvie Vanity of BOTDF has been accused of statutory rape numerous times (I can't remember if he was charged)? Not as bad as that guy from Lost Prophets, but still... TL;DR: Emo is a subgenre of punk that isn't shitty pop-punk, not a way of acting or a way of dressing

^^emo generally stands for emotional. And BOTDF and PTV and SWS are post-hardcore. Not pop-punk or whatever you said. Emo doesn't necessarily mean music. And scene is a completely different thing. Dahvie Vanity is basically the definition of scene. Scene is a style that is similar to the emo style but they are more colourful and more than likely outgoing. Their hair styles are usually spiked in the back and down in the front. Or they are just short in the back and long in the front, also random colours. Emo hair styles are usually down and covering one or both eyes, usually long and black. Scene make up is usually brighter colours while emo is black and dark grey. Now you have been properly informed on scene and emo.

sofitina 20

Whether or not you were being Bitch, whiny, annoying, etc. that's still not something you say to someone. People these days are rude. Couldn't she have moved her child away and such? Sigh, people.

And besides, a little negativity never hurt any children. Children need to understand that the world isn't all Santa Claus and Easter bunnies.

Although I can understand how that could be annoying for her, if she has room to move, I feel like that'd be a much better alternative

Ignore the bitch. Unless you were being obnoxiously loud, she had no right to be an ass. She could have moved elsewhere...

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Lichinamo 33

Moms are only "whine-listeners" when it comes to THEIR kids. They have no tolerance for anyone else.

I'd tell her to **** off and mind her business.

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Why is this response being downvoted, unless everyone finds okay to swear around children?

Because they're saying the mom deserved the language.

KrazyKatz3 26

I'm sorry. I thought people were allowed to say whatever they wanted in a public place... If the mother brings her children outside they are going to hear bad words. Surely you can just tell your kids that's not a nice word don't say it.

Should have told her the world ain't all sunshine and rainbows so these kids need to learn that now

That's pretty much exactly what I said too! Stupid cow (not OP the person who had the issue with them)