By Anonymous - 28/07/2015 00:08 - United States

Today, during a blowjob, my girlfriend decided to try something new by squeezing my balls as hard as she could as I came, for a "more intense orgasm". All she gave me was a ruptured testicle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 199
You deserved it 2 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you explained to her that testicles and tubes of toothpaste do not, in fact, work in the same manner?

Sorry op, it looks like you literally busted a nut.


Did she try to squeeze the cum out or something?

Honestly, #1, I just feel uncomfortable after reading that.

OP'a girlfriend has been reading Cosmo sex tips. I guarantee it.

I feel so bad for OP my gf use to only give my balls a light flick and I would be in so much pain. I can't imagine having them squeezed to the point of rupture.

greydawg20 5 do know that semen doesn't come from the testicles, don't you?

#25 your probably right lol some of the worst advice ever! Maybe since most of their readers are single they want to keep them that way?

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I think most guys would rather have their testicles intact than a girlfriend.

1dvs_bstd 41

Girls don't realize how delicate balls are. Even a flick of the finger can hurt as ******* hell.

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Women can sympathise.. Guys aren't the only ones who have felt horrible pain xD

@61 ******** pain is beyond horrible pain

@73, I have two things to say to you. First off even though us girls do not have balls we can still imagine, or rather, understand how terrible it must feel to get kicked or hit or whatever, in the balls. Secondly, have you ever had to push a 9 pound baby with a head the size of a cantaloupe out of 10cm wide hole, with absolutely no pain medication? No? Well I think that that may be more painful than your testicular pain.

dswomi 12

#73, You should have thought that comment through.

Llama_Face89 33

as soon as I saw #39's comment I knew it was a matter of time...

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97- Where did you read that? I've seen videos of men having labour simulations and they all said it was much worse than being kicked in the balls. (I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, just interested)

You can't say that two levels of pain are the exact same; you cannot measure pain, as everyone has their own tolerance. Studies like that are the ones that people can most certainly call BS on, and that sounds like one of those facts from Instagram.

I see now that I probably could have said that in a better way. I wasn't meaning to imply that women can't feel pain as bad as getting hit in the balls, just that most women, who haven't gone through child birth, most likely haven't felt pain as bad a nice, clean hit to the balls

@99 I have also heard that testicular pain is the same as child birth. but I'm thinking ( my own opinion here) people think childbirth is worse because the stimulus is continuous and is longer then what may have stimulated the pain in the testicles.

A great plasure and a horrible pain simultaneously. Don't envy you.

It's a fine line between pleasure and pain. OP's girlfriend just crossed that line...

Sorry op, it looks like you literally busted a nut.

Agreed. Brings a whole new meaning to the term Ball Buster

I don't understand why people on here always say that. That isn't a new meaning. It's the meaning. It's the whole point of that joke.

#80, pretty sure when the term "bust a nut" was coined meaning to have an ****** they didn't mean the rupturing of a ********.

Have you explained to her that testicles and tubes of toothpaste do not, in fact, work in the same manner?

JMichael 25

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@24 - And that reminds me of Derrick Comedy's ******* sketch, starring the girl from The Office and Kimmy Schmidt.

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this is one of the things I dont think gets better

Wow, marks? Please tell me I read that wrong and you don't mean marks as in hitting her? I'm really hopeful that it was just sarcasm that didn't translate.

MrThump 16

Brings a new meaning to busting a nut. Ouch!!

Cassie4840 7

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