By dannydane - 27/11/2017 21:45

Today, after not being active on Instagram in over two years, I was broken up with by my fiancé for following a man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 980
You deserved it 551

dannydane tells us more.

dannydane 9

Take this in. You ready for this? A meme page. Memes. A guy just so happened to run it.

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I have a feeling that wasn't the REAL reason. Was it just a man, or was it an ex-boyfriend, or your boyfriend's boss? I need more info!

Sounds like a made up reason. If that's his real reason, I'd say you dodged a bullet.


mobrien51598 5

Well u shouldn't have followed a man that's practically cheating u might as well have **** him

dannydane 9

Careful following girls your non existent girlfriend might find out!

mobrien51598 5

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Mungolikecandy 19

I am presuming it is following on instagram an not via the medium of hiding in bushes with a telephoto lens?

It seems to me like it wasn't actually because of that, rather, he was just looking for an "out" that he could blame on you to "make it your fault" when in fact you did nothing wrong at all, if it wasn't this, he'd have found another excuse.

TeachAllTheMath 19

Who doesn’t love memes? Definitely time to move on.

Sounds controlling and dumb, honey you missed a bullet