
By turnedintoinsomniac - 21/01/2011 19:46 - United States

Today, after months of living with my roommate's horrific snoring, I looked over to see her sleeping quietly. Elated that I might actually get a full night of rest for once, I went to bed. Just as my eyelids began to droop, she started making vile hissing sounds. Yes, hissing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 497
You deserved it 2 857

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LightningLadyy 0

Duuude, that's just not right...

Ah, your roomate is a parselmouth. Keep a close eye on them.


Ever thought of grabbing a pillow? To really get some sleep lol

Shadow_Phantom 26

I have no idea why or how, but my roommate made a sound I can only compare to a tea kettle last semester. I can't sleep with earplugs in. I feel your pain, OP. I am so glad I moved out of there.

sylphy 0

ugh both of my parents snore, my dad snores obnoxiously loud and then will "complain" in his sleep, their room is right next to mine and sometimes it gets so bad I actually have to wake them up so I can go to sleep.

They probably have sleep apnea. F their life.

A simple and inexpensive solution... EAR PLUGS... they take a bit of getting used to and you may need to try several different shapes but they work wonders once you find the right ones!!! just a quick ? do u sleep in the same room with your room mate? hmmm

Perhaps if they were wearing earplugs they wouldn't be able to hear their own alarms well enough to be woken up.

mr_miyagi 0

chill out just buy some earplugs

Well, I have the same problem with my roomate (you should hear the disgusting noises she make) and I've been sleeping with earplugs for over two years now, just because of that. So as the people suggested, buy earplugs. And eat something stinky and fart the whole night, hehhehhe :D