You wish!

By Anonymous - 22/04/2012 02:22 - United States

Today, on my first day of a new factory job, I discovered that my new boss had lied to me about my hours. I found this out when my coworkers burst out laughing when I mentioned having the weekends off, and talking about my recreational plans. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 806
You deserved it 2 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If your boss already ****** you over, find a new job! He won't change.


Guys, sometimes people need a job so badly they don't have the luxury of quitting just because they have a crap boss.

Thumbs up for you madam. People seem to be missing the point that OP is probably desperate for a job if they're taking a factory job. Makes this FML a whole lot worse for OP :

I think you need to find a new job. We all need some time to just relax once in a while!

Should have got the days off written in stone by the POS manager.

pinkcrayola 0

It's a new job, you shouldn't be expecting weekends off your first week on the job anyway. But it sucks that your boss lied.

And why not? When you start a job you sign a contract regarding the hours you will work. If weekends aren't in your contract you shouldn't be expected to do them unless there's a clause about helping out when other people are off sick etc. OP read your contract, fight the boss or get out of there! If you didn't even sign an agreement...FYL.

I'm not sure where you're from but at least in the southeastern US VERY few jobs, especially factory jobs, include any sort of contract of employment. In fact labor laws in general tend to work in favor of companies because the states are so desperate to have ANY jobs for their residents.

All jobs have some sort of contract it's an agreement of rates etc, and there is some validity to a verbal contract. If it's all verbal go in and charge them triple time for weekends and say it was what you discussed :)

simplylost643 0

#57- You've never "punched the clock" before have you? It's a factory job, you work when they tell you to, and you get your hourly pay for the hours the clock shows. Who exactly would she be "charging them triple time to"? That stuff might work in lawyer land, but not in an hourly paid factory position.

Sorry, 42 I'm in the UK where things aren't royally ****** up :P

theevilduchess 12

You work for Kohler, don't you?

fuckmebutdontfml 16

Are you keeping the job? If you are I think we know what your new home is...

You can sue for that... Or at least, quit!

bizarre_ftw 21

Yeah I don't think that's legal... Do a little research

TheDrifter 23

Oh, its very much legal. Unless the op got a written contract stating their hours, which is virtually unknown on this continent, he is expected to show up when they tell him to for at least the first fourty hours a week. It can be more hours depending on where you are.

shawnaishere 14

Almost every bids lies about how good the job is to attract people or make people work hard but that was cruel.