You OK, hun?

By llaurenmariee - 22/03/2012 08:00 - United States

Today, I was pooping at a local Target when I heard someone say, "You need to eat more solids, you're pooping like a rabbit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 427
You deserved it 4 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have always wondered how people can poop in public, because I have the fear someone will hear and make a comment like that.


Of all the situations in the world where a person shouldn't comment, pooping at Target has to be in the top five. That person should have minded their own business. FYL, OP. That was just wrong.

Actually if you know anything about biology you need to eat more protein, rabbits eat too much veggies that's why they poop like that hahaha

just a bit awkward but its amazing how the best advice can be given in the oddest places...

notepie 6

That's when you tell them to **** off and mind there own business!

I love that movie, Michael Myers makes it so awesome

karen1991 15

Plop plop plop he done yet!? Plop plop plop plop....??? Plop. Dang, that is a rabbit pooper.

KiddNYC1O 20

That's just weird. Nobody should make conversations at urinals or stalls.

Worst part is, OP is a girl. Don't girls get really embarrassed by things like that?

Technically if you're pooping marbles like a rabbit, you don't need more solids; you need more liquids and fibers. So the conversationalist is annoying, intrusive, and stupid. /facepalm Why would anyone try to talk to someone else while in a bathroom stall (unless they know the person)? Sheesh...