You gotta learn

By duh - 27/01/2009 08:10 - United States

Today, I sang the "Itsy Bitsy Spider" song with a class of thirty 20-somethings because we're going to be kindergarten teachers. She made us do the hand motions too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 290
You deserved it 26 871

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Umm.. if you think this is an FML you might want to consider changing your career goals.


How on earth does crap like this get posted when my legitimate life problems are ignored?

If it bothers you that much I'll go sing it for you as a stress reliever from doing international market audits all day and financial ratios for strategic planning in my classes. Itsy bitsy spider sounds pretty good right now...

op is a ******* idiot. has it never occurred to her that some of her fellow students could be from a different country or culture, and thus not know the rhyme?

You're going to have to learn it if you want to be a kindergarten teacher. Dumbass.

Wow, I'm becoming a daycare teacher I really hope you're not a teacher.

puddingface94 3

What the hell do you think you're going to do? If you can't 'lower' yourself. You shouldn't consider going into this career. It's not as much fyourlife... Unfortunately, in this situation it could be f THEIR life. :(

And you're going to be a teacher? Too cool for the itsy-bitsy spider?

Would it have made you happier if you talked about quantum netting?