Yada yada yada

By Anonymous - 05/09/2013 06:47 - United Kingdom - Warrington

Today, I finally got up the courage to talk to my four-year boyfriend about how insecure I've been feeling in our relationship recently, and how I needed his support while I try to get my self-esteem back on-track. He fell asleep mid-conversation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 085
You deserved it 5 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He exerted himself SO much trying to support you that he fell straight asleep in a bout of pure, devoted exhaustion.

Can you stop by my place? I've been needing some help getting to sleep lately.


150493x 29

Some boyfriends don't understand why we get insecure or self conscious. Mine especially. Hopefully if you explain to him clearly why you feel that way you can both sort it out :)

You expected a man to understand deep feelings and complex emotions? What do you expect him to understand next, colours and fashion? Madness!

They'll be telling us to ask for directions after that!!

find some time and a place when and where he can't find any option but listen to your problem.

Your conversation about self-esteem, ran him out of steam...

Never tell the same joke twice, especially in the same thread, people notice.

google helen fisher and four year relationships

I hope that this was jus a late night conversation and not some middle of the day thing! hunny you have to know how much you are worth with or without his support! head up op it will turn around!

Shootermtd25 7

He was just updating his Facebook post with his google eyelids, he wasn't asleep

As soon as I saw the phrase 'four-year boyfriend,' I knew ydi. If you guys can't commit after that long, how can you expect him to be that invested? I'd be insecure too.

CharresBarkrey 15

Some people don't believe in marriage, you know.

showmeyourears 19

Or they could be young. My boyfriend and I have been together for nearly 4 years and we're 18. I wouldn't want to get married until my mid twenties or later.

People also date without plans of being together for forty years.

Like 30 said sometimes you're too young. My husband and I started dating at 17 we were together almost 4 years before we got married. It doesn't always have to do with commitment issues.

I'd've thought that being together for four years WAS commitment?

fukre 3

If he is not even listening u, how could you expect him to be supportive? Jst move on

I read that as "four-year-old boyfriend" and I was a little worried for a moment there.