Wow, thanks Gramps!

By lizard - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I met my boyfriend's grandparents for the first time. When my boyfriend introduced us, his grandfather smiled at me, took my hand, and said in the most polite voice, "Wow, you're not nearly as pretty as he described you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 462
You deserved it 3 015

Top comments

InnocentLies 0

Wait, what if he meant it as a compliment..? :p

I read that in kind of a, "You're prettier than he said" way.


DakotaCat 4

Don't feel bad.. Atleast your bf sees you as really pretty.

i love old people. i bet most of them say sh*t like that on purpose because they know they can get away with it. :D

yourlifesucksmor_fml 0

well.... at least he described you as pretty :)

Ok So your boyfriend eather likes to brag...or he actualy thinks your pretty. idk

xXbrokenXwingsXx 0

thats a compliment. why would this be under FML?

Old people are confused, I'm sure he meant it the other way... because old people definitely aren't nice and if he thought you were ugly he would have flat out said it.

linlinpintobean 0

you should have told him, "aw he didn't mention you were senile and blind."

SHRMS777 0