Worst teeth in the game

By stinky breath - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Whittier

Today, I taught my 23-year-old boyfriend how to correctly brush his teeth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 123
You deserved it 6 722

Top comments

Let's hope he doesn't just brush off your advice.


It's okay OP, My husband is 26 I found myself teaching him how to brush his teeth as well, he bushed like a cave man crazy! Water all over the sink, I asked him "who taught you how to brush your teeth?" apparently that was a bad question.

anyone who is dating a 23 year old who can't brush their own teeth properly knows what they are in for. ydi.

headofmedusa 15

I can't see that being a good reason to break up.

Omegapi197 12

So you think breaking up is the better alternitive to working out issues? At least the bf is willing to learn.

congratulations! mine still refuses to brush his, period! apparently he thinks "cottage cheese teeth" is "sexy".

incoherentrmblr 21

OP Is either a dentist or a dental assistant...

Aero_x 21

better late than never I guess.