Wild ride

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I went to a haunted show restaurant. I needed the toilet badly, but they were inside the building, which could only be got to via a ghost train. The footage of me peeing myself in terror on the train was played on a big screen inside, in front of a crowd of onlookers. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 829
You deserved it 5 174

Top comments

Could've been worse. You could have shit yourself.

if your talking about draculas on the gold coast..... there are toilets in the show room and you don't have to get on a ghost train to get to them...... you only get on the ghost train to get inside.... I work there....FAIL


wonderful_wendy 0

was it that scary? you should of closed your eyes.

iIixoxiIi 0

Excuse him/her. Some people are illiterate.

funny that's what you get for holding it in

zach055 23

YDI for not having basic bladder control.

Were you standing up and letting it fly off the side? I can never see anything on a ghost train as my vision is shit in the dark but I can't believe anyone could see you pissing yourself. Maybe you shouldn't have made that "****, it's a camera!" guilty face.

You don't know you're on camera till afterwards, you go through those plastic strips like at the front of corner shops and delis, once you go through someone jumps put and belts the car with a fake bat, I had no idea it was being filmed till they showed the reactions at the end of the night, good food good show, I must go back there some day :)

Boo hoo? Oh. You didn't cry. You just peed your pants. Well, at least you were warm!

rawrsofi 5