When life gives you lemons…

By Lemonhead - 30/11/2009 05:01 - United States

Today, I was riding my bike back to my house. Suddenly I was hit by something in the head. I looked down to see a lemon on the ground and looked up to see a guy yelling at me in a car that was passing. He was yelling at me because I got in the way of the house he was throwing it at. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 012
You deserved it 3 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Forget making lemonade. I use that shit for ammo.


coolbeans14741 0
primogen18 0

I laughed pretty hard at this one, nice.

'Lemonhead' you shouldn't consider this a FML, shitty, awful moment but rather a funny story. When i read this story i laughed cause it was funny and cute, and you probably make your friends or family's day by telling this so called 'fml' moment to them. You shouldn't care if some stupid , freaky weirdo (who's revenge plan on someone is by throwing lemons at their house xD) yells at you. Hes the idiot who should have watched the street to make sure that no person or car gets in the way of his 'revenge'. Hes the retard and hes at fault. Have an awesome day :)

abrasive_punk 0

At least it wasn't shit or rotten eggs

thats happened to me before but with a cup of soda

you should have picked it up and threw it back on that asshole's car