What were you thinking?

By Anonymous - 09/04/2023 15:00

Today, my boyfriend of 4 months broke up with me, saying things are moving "too fast". All I did was tell my 3 year-old that my boyfriend's parents are his new grandma and grandpa. FML
I agree, your life sucks 141
You deserved it 3 397

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ummm because it was wayyyy to soon for that and also highly inappropriate to tell that to a three year old child this soon into a relationship, now if he had just proposed to you and you guys have been dating for say 4 years and not 4 months that would be different.But you being on FML whining about it gives off serious clinger and crazy vibes ,might be time to seek some therapy for the sake of your child's future.

As a single dad with a girlfriend of a little less than a year, I can say this - you should have had that conversation with your boyfriend first.


Aurora25 29

you're the problem in that relationship not him

How many dads has your child had if you're forcing familial bonds 4 months into a relationship?