What've you been up to?

By BadtoWorse - 23/03/2010 14:51 - United States

Today, after thinking I smelled the aroma of stale alcohol, I asked my husband, who is a recovering alcoholic, if he has been completely honest with me about all that he has been doing. Bracing myself to hear about his fall off the wagon, I instead heard a confession of adultery. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 095
You deserved it 4 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PsychoMerk 0

Leave him. No second chances for anyone, EVER. because what happens? they take it as a sign of weakness and do it allll over again ;0


that's a good point, he could have been drunk when he did it. not that it makes it any BETTER, just that it gives you a better reason than he find you unattractive or is unfaithful normally.

GoSmegma 0

Wow... that is just plain awful.

MrFlintstone 5

hahahahhahahahahahahahaha no that really sucks tell him he's going to hell

meluvsyou 0

OP, are you Sandra Bullock? Sue the mistress for 9M like that girl from NC if you kive in one of the 7 states that allows that. (I can't see where she's from on my phone app.)

rofl maybe it was the alcohol who made him commet adultery

jyd62 0

Sometimes people just aren't as tolerable when you're sober.