What day is it?

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2017 but it's good stuff

Today, I caught my dad smoking the weed he grounded me for having. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 381
You deserved it 1 260

Top comments

SchlomoTheGrinch 18

Semi-sucks. If you study the effects of weed on brain chemistry, however, you'll find out that a developing brain suffers a much more severe impact from weed. Especially the ability to transfer information from short term to long term memory. This hinders your learning abilities and also reduces your development of healthy coping mechanisms, psychologically speaking. After all, why learn to solve problems in your life, when you can just get high and forget about them? I do, however, agree that grounding you, confiscating the stash and then smoking it himself, sends the wrong signal. I hope you'll learn from his example and become a better man. In the end, I hope all parents wish for their children to become better than themselves. Good luck, OP!

AngelusLeonhart 3

The difference being, he's not at the age where he can be grounded. Even softcore drugs aren't for kids dude


It's ridiculous that anyone is on the dad's side here, considering that OP, if a teenager, would be the one most affected by smoking weed. The dad is either half the family income, or the sole income, and unless he lives in very specific locations, is risking not just his wellbeing, but the wellbeing of literally EVERYONE in the house.

Hypocrisy is a pretty good way to make sure said kids never associate with you ever again. Only serves to show that you value getting high over practicing what you preach and setting an example for your kids.