What are the odds?

By pchis4ever - 20/11/2009 18:30 - United States

Today, I was eating at KFC when my roommate unexpectedly showed up. He asked me who I was there with, and I told him I was on a sexy date with his mom. Just then a woman 5 feet away turned around and gave me a disgusted look. Guess whose mom was in town visiting for the weekend? FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 624
You deserved it 37 117

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for eating at KFC, and for thinking "your mom" jokes still hold any comedic value.

You could've just ended with "His mom was in town visiting for the weekend". Don't tell us what to do.


Suckishgurk 0


I gotta say comedic value comes into play with the fact that his mom was actually there. Good timing on that one, and no worries by next weekend you two will be laughing at this.

haha me and my friends joke about that kind of stuff all the time. this is actually really funny. i dont know why you think its so horrible.

so your friends mom dosent like you now? big deal

this is SO not an fml! this belongs on IMMD!

YDI for being a douche and still use mom jokes like a disrespectful, uneducated prick.

Why did you feel the need to mention you were eating KFC? it's completely irrelevant.

hahaha at least your lame "your mom" joke was ironic!