Well played

By Hank-T4 - 11/10/2015 11:45 - Australia - Truganina

Today, while looking through my son's browser history, I found a Google search for "stop looking in my history u nosey cunt". I swore last week that I don't invade his privacy, so I can't even punish him for the bad language without looking like a lying bastard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 175
You deserved it 47 008

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Completely deserved it. Let him have his privacy. He's growing up. YDI.

Overly strict and invading parents make for amazing sneaks and great liars.


If he was currently being punished for something specific that might be one thing, but since you promised not to do this I'm thinking that's not the case. All you teach him by consistently invading his privacy is 1. How to lie more effectively and 2. Boundaries have no value and don't need to be respected. He might be able to make use of lesson#1 in life, but unlearning lesson#2 is going to be a bitch for his future relationships. Let him grow up without eyes constantly on him, for chrissake. He won't be a kid forever and you won't be around to spy on him forever either. Teach him how to make good choices by TALKING to him.

mamasquirrel78 2

You shouldn't have told him you wouldn't search through it. My children know that I reserve the right to look through whatever I wish, though I've never felt the need to do so in 15 years. However, if he's given you reason to suspect you need to do such a thing, quit being a wimp and trying to make sure he likes you and straight up tell him if he's acting questionably that you will limit his access or take it away. Right now, you're sneaking around as much as he is. Why is it that parents think their kid has to like them at all times? Teaching a person how to be a person isn't easy and sometimes you're going to do things that make them not like you. They'll get over it. And you can definitely tell there are a lot of children in these comments. Everyone wants to be trusted and talk about their boundaries but I've seen several children get mixed up in things they wish they'd never come across by sneaking around online. Grow up- your parents aren't being big meanies for fun and games, they're doing it until you're smart enough to know how to deal with these situations yourself.

ArcheryArtist 20

Dude seriously, that is the shittiest thing you can do as a parent. They're not just some little soldier who you can tell them to do anything and you expect to have the right to look through your child's shit. Its awful. They're a ******* human being just like you. How would you like it if your spouse or parent came into your room and demanded to go through your phone or computer? You should always respect your child's privacy. The only time you have the right to go through their stuff, is if you think they're involved in a gang or something bad like that or doing drugs, or if you suspect they're having sex with a 30 year old man or something. You should never invade a someone's privacy unless you are conceded for their safety, not just to be a snooping bitch.

ArcheryArtist 20

Wow. I'm not even sorry for saying this: you totally deserve this. I wish i could vote more than once. Children need to learn morals and boundaries, but also need to have privacy. What kind of message do you think your sending to your son by browsing his internet history EVEN AFTER PROMISING YOU WOULDN'T??

incognito mode, google.com/history your welcome ^.^

He probably always looks that up for IF you do that, YDI