Was that really necessary?

By dayum - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Mexico

Today, my grandpa was wearing flip flops and white socks. He entered my restroom, and the moment he did I remembered there was no toilet paper left. I felt too ashamed to interrupt his dump, so I waited for him to ask for paper; he never did, and came out without socks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 513
You deserved it 5 784

Top comments

HAHAHA!! that, my friend, is HYSTERICAL!!

one time this guy was at my house and he went to the restroom and i realized there was no toilet paper but he never said anything. Later i went inside and the tissues that were already in the trash then had poop on them. ppl are gross!!


FAKE!!! THIS IS FAKE!!! This is from the Drake & Josh Christmas Special that came out a year or two ago

God get over yourself who cares if its fake its still gross but really funny and how is FML supossed to know if the stuff submitted here is real or fake and NOW GOOD DAY SIR!

Also you watch drake and josh : / that makes YOU fake!

Oh for pity's sake, you asshole. I suppose YOU have never run our of toilet paper in your bathroom. What you are declaring is that it is absolutely, positively, IMPOSSIBLE for something like this situation to EVER occur... because it happened ONE time on television??? I hope your Grandma takes a watery shit on your sofa. That way, it will NEVER happen again on this Planet. Idiot.

who the **** wears flip flops with socks? sandals maybe (although that is still hideous) but flip flops?

pretty hilarious. this would be more of an immd for me

How are you sure he went to take a dump? Perhaps all he wanted was a pee? Socks in his pockets?

mari3644 0

Until I read the comments, I thought the OP was saying that he thought his grandpa was jacking off....

crzyry 6

Your grandpa is a pimp. "When I was your age we didn't have toilet paper! If you took a shit, you cleaned it with your bare hands.. Well unless you had a couple of socks handy."

numberr 41, thatt makees my day:) That'd be anotherr funny story:)

OLOtheDemigodess 0
sdcrazy1018 0

That was what I was thinking!

Now you know what to do if you're on a date and there is no paper as a last resort to a worst case scenario... On the other hand, I've heard of this scenario before and it has no real effect on the OP. It was humorous and I thought how this could be applied to other situations though, so if it isn't real thanks anyways.