Wait til she hears about the white supremacy behind it!

By published_anthropologist - 23/07/2009 06:13 - United States

Today, my girlfriend of eight years explained to me that the Egyptian pyramids were built by aliens from Mars. I have a B.S. in Biology and an M.S. in Anthropology, and I'm working on my Ph.D. She thinks I'm an irrational idiot for telling her she's wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 095
You deserved it 10 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

takemedown 0

Why would ANYONE think the pyramids were built by aliens from Mars?

I have a feeling your girlfriend has been watching too much Stargate..


XCarCrashHeartsX 0

Um, I probably wouldn't argue with her. I'd let her have it. Just to keep her happy for a bit.

Seti_fml 0

this reminds me of one of my friends when i was in high school... she tried to explain to me that formula 1 racers went faster than the speed of sound because you could hear them before they went by. i think this one is even worse though lol how do you even listen to that without either laughing or hitting your head against a wall?

AntiChrist7 0

so after 8 years you still don't know she is a mental? YDI

Who cares, agree with her. Your relationship is more important than some pile of stone.

+1. I hate people saying "dump her". There must be a reason why they're together. One argument about pyramids shouldn't ruin a relationship lol.

letitbe56 0

I completely agree. I got kind of freaked out when my boyfriend admitted to buying into conspiracy theories about the Kennedy assassination, but I decided to stay with him because I really liked him, and we're still together. He's smart about other things, so I talk to him about them. It's actually pretty easy not to bring up the Kennedy assassination in daily conversation--you can even talk about his administration without talking about the assassination. I imagine the same will be true about the Egyptian pyramids.

Ligerie 0

Agreed, my husband and I have different theories on Dinosaurs and evolution. We fight about it but in more of a playful, "your so dumb but its okay" way. We agree to disagree and, its not as if we are talking about it on a daily basis.

If you started dating her as soon as she became legal, after 8 years she can't still be hot enough to make up for such stunning stupidity. So I'm seeing 3 options here: 1)You're a pedophile and thus YDI 2)You love her dumb ass and thus YDI 3)She gives awesome ******** or smth and thus FYL for having such a dilemma on your hands.

roxxintheboxx 0

funny, i have an ex boyfriend who tried to convince me of the same thing. there must be some lame you tube video floating around.

MrKrypt 0

I know there was something on the History Channel a while about about "ancient aliens" and some German guy who wrote a book called "The Chariots of the Gods" which was just about all the weird things around all of the pyramids and other ancient buildings that seem to resemble aliens and spaceships and what not. Now I don't necessarily believe that aliens taught our ancestors to build pyramids or even came here at all, I just think it was pretty interesting and something to think about even if it is a completely stupid coincidence.

# 47, you should read "Fingerprints of the Gods", by Graham Hancock. Also good. I didn't read Chariots of the Gods, but I do have a documentary by that name. ^_^

its by Erich von Däniken, interesting reading, esp if you've got good imagination

Actually, von Däniken's ideas were the inspiration for the Stargate movie. Even though they aren't scientifically valid, they are awesome science-fiction. If you ask me, Scientology should have adapted this stuff instead of the Xenu-crap!