Vocab test

By shut up. - 11/11/2013 10:36 - New Zealand

Today, I was mentioning to a coworker how there was a huge lull today in business. A young coworker then turned to me and sead in a snooty tone, "I think you mean a 'lol', it's pronounced L-O-L." FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 005
You deserved it 3 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Things like this make me want my towel. Stupid people.


StompinOnCrayons 15

Just tell him, you believe it is an arsehole, spelt Y.O.U (not to op, but to the snooty man )

JMichael 25

I think I just secured my spot in hell.

skittyskatbrat 19

Please, please, please tell me she hasn't reproduced before someone could take her out of the gene pool!!!! Now, print this page of responses off, and quietly leave it at her station.

middlenamefrank 8

The saddest thing isn't that she thought you were wrong, when she was the one that was mistaken about a simple thing -- that happens to the best of us. The sad thing is the attitude. Even when I correct someone, which I do very rarely, I try to be graceful about it. Just the other day I held my tongue when a guy I hate said that the point we were discussing was "mute", not once but twice, because it wouldn't have done any good to correct him anyhow.

I used that word once years ago and the person didn't know what I was talking about. I had to keep repeating it. At least he wasn't dumb enough to think it was LOL though.

You spelled 'FML' wrong. It's spelled 'L-O-L'. Idiots.

I would have said "no I meant lull as in soft or quiet. Get a dictionary and look it up and don't be so flippant, you might want to look that one up too." And I can relate to crappy coworkers.

bobo_the_bear 5

OMG dats a 4real FML. ROTFLMAO. #stupidpeople #kidsthesedays. Young ones, let me know if I did that right. Half the time I have no idea these acronyms mean.

ema_stonez 19

sad how unintelligent people are these days... *smh