
By snoozer - 23/03/2009 06:12 - United States

Today, I received two withdrawal grades in school for dropping the classes due to a kidney infection that kept me in the hospital. I wrote a petition to the dean asking to remove the grades. He replied to send a doctor's note. I did so, and he then said that I was faking and the note was forged. FML
I agree, your life sucks 115 178
You deserved it 4 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WTF.....Let him call your doc!!!!! What a ******* retard. edit: you're an idiot greenman, let's see you man through that.

Sue him for loss of future earnings due to him being a douche and giving you these withdrawl grades. But seriously. That sucks. Maybe get your parents to talk with him. Or get him to call your doctor. But why bother asking for the note if he already decided you were faking it.


Anonymus101 4

Dude go to the dean with a copy of your medical report and the note in question and tell them the professors' response, if he's compassionate you should get the Ws erased.

uhnonnuhmus 0

As someone who has withdrawn from classes before, I can tell you that getting a W not all that bad, depending on the circumstances. At my school, you can re-take the lower-level classes that you got the W in and have it erased from your transcript. If it were upper-division classes that you were withdrawn from, however, the W still remains on the transcript, but it'll still look better if you're looking to attend graduate school. I'm thinking that you didn't get a W/E or W/F (withdraw and failing). In any case, your school's dean sounds like he's kind of a douchebag (not to disparage feminine hygiene products or anything).

ummmyeahhh 0

send your hospital bill & insurance claim to them.

#5, depending on how late he withdrew from the course, W's WOULD affect his GPA. At my university if you drop a class after a certain date (roughly midterm) you receive a failing mark on your transcript. And even if that's not the case for his school, W's on your transcript don't look great if you're applying to grad/professional schools

I do believe hospitals have phone numbers

and why wouldn't your parents or doctor help u out in this situation? ur bullshitting this

send him the bill. get him to call the hospital. if he still doesnt want to listen sue the school. go after him for defamation. ruin his reputation and the schools while getting money :)

If the dean thought the note was a fake what's to say he'd accept a phone call? Just saying...

Get your doctor to call the dean and make up the work. Ws doesn't look good on your transcript, anyone looking at it without knowing you personally would judge and say "oh, that kid must've been lazy and just wanted to drop the class." not cool. =/