
By anonymous - 18/03/2013 09:17 - United States - Torrance

Today, I was over at a friend's house feeding her cats while she was on vacation. After feeding the four of them, I found an extra cat under the sofa. Thinking it was an intruding stray, I kicked it out. She actually has 5 cats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 862
You deserved it 57 536

Same thing different taste

Top comments

After seeing four, you immediately think the fifth is a stray? What?


ViviMage 38

Cats tend to stay near the home; dogs will roam miles if they get out. Get some really smelly canned tuna! In the meantime, I'd care for all five till I asked!

FalconWhitaker 20

Why on Earth did you not ask your friend how many cats she has BEFORE agreeing to look after them?

Don't you mean f the cats life? That poor kitty must be so confused and scared. You better hope he comes back safe and sound.

How in the hell do you think it got into the house?

pipc 10

Better hope to god it's fixed/spayed Or you have just caused a possible multitude more problems

Wtf? That would be the last thing I would think of.

Wow. What an idiot. You couldn't have called first? And even if one of them was a stray, how could you be so sure it was THAT one?

There really needs to be a "you're a moron" button. It would be much more appropriate in this case.