Trumpet solo

By Churizmo - 19/07/2009 18:52 - United States

Today, I was at a party and I really had to use the bathroom. There were 30-40 people talking outside the door, so I thought it would be ok to make some noise. Just as I'm about to begin having explosive diarrhea, everyone fell silent as my dad began to pray for our meal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 816
You deserved it 5 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

geesquared 0

that is really embarassing. XD


andrewbeltbuckle 0

YDI for having E.D. (Explosive DIarrhea) ahahah only joking

did you shout "get thee out of me, demons!" as you pooped?

rakhil11 7

#78 - that would have been entertaining.... OP: wow, that blows....

To all the people who say 'That Sucks' you are wrong, it BLOWS not sucks. Poop thread :-) (*funny also clicking 'spill the beans' lol poop thread).

shannnonnx 0

i bet they all call you the ' party pooper ' now , huh ? ;D

theuntouchable 0

Ydi for believing in a higher power lawls

You were at a party where your dad prayed before the meal? Let me get that straight... I struggle to put together the word party with the word dad... and prayer... and since you didn't say dinner-party even meal... Try REAL parties for a change...

Why must someone specify "dinner" in dinner-party, for example? It's a valid use of the word party to just say "party". Maybe it's not a bunch of drunk teenagers grinding all night, but it *is* a party.

that's what you get for using a bathroom so close to the so called "party"

mmm maybe it was a religious reunion party lol