Treasure hunt

By Catois - 05/03/2010 05:17 - United States

Today, I caught my dog attempting to shit on the carpet. When I saw him, I screamed. Startled, he ran around the house, continuing to take his shit. Now, I don't have to clean up a nice pile, I get to go on a scavenger hunt and find all of the scattered turds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 772
You deserved it 13 220

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Anonnamus 0

Two shitty FMLs in a row? Nice.


loki09 4

@#17: I have to disagree, you should never yell at a dog. Typically, it just scares them, and makes them cower, they have no idea why they are in trouble, even if they are caught in the act. You should always use a firm, but calm tone, when training a dog. Also, contrary to popular belief, rubbing a dog's nose in it, does not help either. To properly house break a dog, you should use the kennel method. Which is where you keep them in the kennel unless you are interacting with them. When you take them out of the kennel the first thing you do, is put on their leash, and immediately go outside, use the proper commands, and do not allow the dog back inside until they have " done their business," so to speak. Using this method creates good habits and effective house training. You deserve it OP, for either not properly house training your dog, or not walking the dog, and forcing it to go potty in the house, and then yelling at it, whichever the case may be.

Thank you, someone who gets screaming at their dog doesn't bring positive results :)

vb68_fml 28

So true. So many people have animals but don't even take the time to understand them and properly interact with them...

marine10_fml 0

I yell at mine when he begs

Haven't you ever heard the term "scaring the shit out of someone"? YDI if you actually screamed bloody murder instead of yelling at the dog. Y also DI for not training/walking your dog then yelling at it when it did what it gad to do.

FHGrif 0

Yah I've done that as well...

Actually to train a dog properly if I can remember from psychology, you have to pair a stimuli and a response together but put the stimulia first. This goes back to the bell and food experiment done by Pavlov. You are not supposed to tell them what to do after they did it or else most of the times they don't know.

she actually did what she was supposed to do, and although this time it resulted in scattered turds all over the house, it's less likely that he'll do it again... Although it's one thing to scream and another thing to give a loud and stern "NO!" which is what she should have done

what you left the turds to come post on fml?? how pathetic r u????

Geicogecko 2

YDI for not letting him outside.

@ 34 some dogs do it deliberately even if they are trained. my cousin is mean to my dog for no reason at all and he pees in her bed ONLY hers and he always usually goes to the door and lets us kno

@45 hahaha! my dog does exactly the same! but oh well at least it's not my bed ;) haha. and OP that really sucks, been there done that. it's hard not to YELL when you see it happening! but it just ends up screwing you over! so really I guess WDI. in a sense owned by our pets!

hahaha been there. dat ***** hilarious!

you should let him outside. Dogs sure are fun, aren't they?:P