Travelling light

By maddengirl12 - 20/02/2014 08:57 - United States

Today, my mom and I flew three hours from Wyoming to a volleyball camp in Kentucky. When we arrived, we went to the volleyball center and told them I was there for the volleyball camp. They told me it had been cancelled two weeks ago and they forgot to call us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 511
You deserved it 3 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's sucks and they really dropped the ball. Sorry your camp got cancelled OP and you wasted money flying down too. Some people are just careless and inconsiderate

Wizardo 33

Should phone up the appropriate people and demand reimbursement for the flight fees and improve their common courtesy, in the meantime enjoy Wyoming


Time to ask for a refund of all your costs methinks. FYL

What kind of camp is that where you don't get a call back telling you it's canceled. Not cool

Liam_Vile 5

Man. And of all the places to have time to kill in far away from home, you were stuck in Kentucky. They better have awesome KFCs there.

CyberGothic 16

Since they dropped the ball, they can pick up the cost of the plane tickets home!

jroxs13 4

Well, you did get out of Wyoming. I feel like you deserved the trip.

I don't understand how anyone deserves this. smh.

andreagag322 3

I live in Kentucky, what camp? And that's basic stuff around her