Traumatic, but funny

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got mugged. In shock, I said, "Are you mugging me?" To which the mugger responded, "Duh, do you think I grabbed you for your looks?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 368
You deserved it 7 821

Top comments

Hahaha, this has to be one of the funniest FML's. I hope you weren't hurt!

GrandeCarne 0

HAHAHAHA thats a double whammy, lose your valuables and your pride


sooo ur fml because he didnt rape you.........

C_Wicked27 0

okay, this is funny... but I have to call bullshit on this. I mean really, who gets mugged and their first response is to ask the attacker if they are mugging them? But hey, that's just me and my opinion though.

x_Leopard_x 1

Wouldn't it be kind of obvious if he was mugging you or not? lol

haha smartass mugger :] hope u didnt get hurt

I like how him calling you ugly was the FML, rather than the actual mugging. @all: Most muggers don't rape the people they mug.

So you're saying FML to him not likeing the way you look, and not that he was mugging you. O.O'

Hope you weren't hurt, if you werent than fyl anyway cuz u got your shit robbed. But thats hilarious, he's the best mugger ever.