Traumatic, but funny

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got mugged. In shock, I said, "Are you mugging me?" To which the mugger responded, "Duh, do you think I grabbed you for your looks?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 368
You deserved it 7 821

Top comments

Hahaha, this has to be one of the funniest FML's. I hope you weren't hurt!

GrandeCarne 0

HAHAHAHA thats a double whammy, lose your valuables and your pride


Hahaha! that was funny. But shit, hope everything is well with you.

russianspy1234 11

Let me see if I can translate this... "Today, I didn't get raped. FML"

"Today, my ****** wasn't forcefully used without my consent, but all the stuff in my wallet was. FML"

Mugging with a side of attitude. Love it. Have a nice life. Or what's left of it.

Tep_Zepi 0

Being mugged and getting burned. FYL.

with his penis... and then you can also say you got some surprise sex

chowyuk 0

so instead of screaming for help you wanted to confirm you were being mugged odd

"WAIT stop what your doing!!!! I just need to make sure of something real quick, are you trying to take my wallet? Oh you are? ok just wondering have a good day, its ok everyone, i didn't know what he was doing at first but i asked him and hes just robbing me so its ok at least i know and he wasnt sneaky about it"

Oh come on I can't believe this has not been said.......are you mugging me? no I grabbed you for your looks. Here's you sign

i hate heres your signs dont do them there a crappy variation of you might be a redneck!!!!

I believe you. This is how conversations between muggers and people being mugged occur. You are a contributing member to this website.