
By obeezy - 30/04/2009 19:56 - United States

Today, I didn't have any money to buy a tampon from the dispenser at my school but my hands are small enough so I can just slide them up and grab one. My hand got stuck in the dispenser and my school had to call the fire department. Now everyone calls me "Tampon Girl." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 955
You deserved it 69 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kickinchicken213 3

Uh, don't they have tampons or pads at the nurse? Or too ashamed to ask for one? Guess that doesn't matter now.


monicamischief 0

@ 81- that is not even true at all. you do NOT need a tampon right away. : / it's not like you just automatically gush out a river of blood. you have time to go to the nurse or ask a friend. it's not like a waterfall or something: //

you so deserve this! there are so many better choices to get a tampon or money to buy one, friends, classmates, nurses office, school office, etc... that's what you get for being a moron and a thief!

I agree with 79, you have to be really idoitic to try to stick your hand up the tampon/pad machine. Girl has got some real issues if she couldn't just ask her friends for one. I do that all the time too.

this is gonna sound really silly, but what does "B.C" mean?

grazynaanka 0

#104 I think you mean #80. Lol. OP: Seriously though, stealing is not good. You could ruin it for everyone. Advice from one lady to another. Always have at least two tampons on you at all times.

andreaa_fml 0

omgggggggggg at least it wasn't a flavoured condom machine LOL

kellster 2

So, clearly you've stolen them before. How about just paying for them? Idiot.

I agree with #23, it should be free. Just like you don't need to pay for toilet paper.

hahaha tampon girl.. so original. i mean really... but HAHAHAHA NICE GOING TAMPON GIRL!! but yea i agree with #23 tampons should be free..

grazynaanka 0

well if they were free, then the school wouldn't be able to provide them for very long. the school does actually have to pay for these. it's not like the school gets them for free. and paying a quarter for a tampon isn't that bad.