
By obeezy - 30/04/2009 19:56 - United States

Today, I didn't have any money to buy a tampon from the dispenser at my school but my hands are small enough so I can just slide them up and grab one. My hand got stuck in the dispenser and my school had to call the fire department. Now everyone calls me "Tampon Girl." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 955
You deserved it 69 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Kickinchicken213 3

Uh, don't they have tampons or pads at the nurse? Or too ashamed to ask for one? Guess that doesn't matter now.


Why don't you freakin' carry one in your backpack/purse like any other normal person?

average_girl 0

148 maybe she already used all of hers! it did not say at all that she was unprepared. stupid!! u dont know what its like 2 be a woman so plz shutup

xMooMoox 0

Thats a little silly, at my old school (and almost everywhere else) they were never stocked, although I never had to use them so don't know if the "EMPTY" was wrong. I agree with most of the other people you should have asked a friend or the nurse. I have even had other girls (that I knew but weren't friends with) ask me for some. Honestly I would give even a stranger a tampon or pad if I had one and didn't need it. A period is something all girls can "bond" over, no girl (who isn't a complete bitch) would be mean to you about it. I have been in the bathroom when someone was checking themselves out for blood we looked at each other smiled and had a conversation about how they suck or such. I don't smoke but being asked for a tampon is like being asked for a cigarette you feel the other persons pain and will almost always give one if you have one.

Well, that's what you get for being a theif.

kathryngrace2008 0

Dude, putting in fake FMLs is crap. I saw this exact "FML" in an embarrassing moments section of a magazine a few years ago. Honestly? You can't come up with your own so you have to plagiarize? Yeah, FYL.

nsforever138 0

bet they give a nice handjob tho

brittbrittT 0

apparently they aren't small enough.. uh duh.

kissmeimkati 0

People are forgetting sometimes you need a tampon RIGHT THEN and there are no other people around to ask for a quarter or a tampon. Especially if you have a short passing period and your next teacher isn't nice about letting you go to the bathroom. I'd have done the ol' toilet paper pad, but heaven knows those only work for so long...

doesntmylifesuck 0