
By Anonymous - 10/04/2011 05:07 - United States

Today, I promised my boyfriend a blow job every time he does the dishes. Every dish in the house has been washed three times already. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 459
You deserved it 72 612

Same thing different taste


zero_ego 0

your fault. BLOW THAT DICK!

OP, you should have used the point system instead. Five thousand whatever points to have sex, and for every time he washes the dishes, he gets 5 points. Who sees what I did there?

hahhahahahha Ydi you got what you wished for but he Also got what he wished for

Zombieslayer1 0

Or did he? Maybe she's a bitch and didn't pay up. She is after all on the computer instead of on her knees.

kkay_soccergirl 0
s10biker 1

I want you as my girlfriend!!

This is what happens when you use sex to manipulate people. You DEFINITELY deserve this. I can't think of someone that's posted on here that deserved what happened to them more than you do.

u must give some good head ;) lol. ahh u deserve that tho.