Too late

By Anonymous - 01/03/2015 13:31 - United Kingdom - Guildford

Today, while on the train heading to my new job, my coat caught between two seats. I didn't notice until my stop. I whacked myself in the face in front of everyone trying to get it free, and ended up missing my stop. When I finally got to work, I was told not to bother coming in again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 422
You deserved it 2 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sorry to hear that OP.... hope you can find another one.

Find another job. Everything happens for the best, ultimately.


grab the contents of your pockets and ditch the jacket?

Yeah, it sounds like that scene from Birdman - ditch the robe and just strut the streets on your underwear.

Damn, that sucks hard. Tip for next time, so you dont get in the same situation: Dont wear a coat :p


YDI for using public transportation with all the creeps that use it. I hope you get raped, that's the only way you'll learn your lesson.

Uhhh.. news flash, not everyone can afford a car? I honestly can't tell if you're trolling, or if you're stuck in a bubble of privilege.


YDI for using public transportation with all the creeps that use it. I hope you get raped, only way you'll learn.

Burn that coat on a goat inside a boat. Now pray for good luck.

I would've tried my hardest to explain what happened. But if being late because of that was all it took you probably weren't very good at your job. It's ok thought. Look at it as an opportunity to find your true calling. Good luck finding a new job bud.

BaronVonStudley 9

Time for a new job and take an uber

valentinov 15

If you being late is all it took to get fired, you had it coming from some time now... They were waiting for an excuse, man. Don't worry, you're better off than working for those jerks. Go find yourself a company that respects you! Good luck.

i had a similar situation except my ride who worked at the place i was hired in at was forced to work another shift and couldn't notify me(no cellphone use allowed). and my uninsured car was stuck in 2 ft of snow. i called in to let them know and they told me the same thing... so that was a pretty crap day....

I call bullshit. They can’t do that in the U.K. we have strict employment laws.