By sucked_in - 23/07/2015 02:32 - Australia - Perth

Today, whilst vacuuming, I stupidly decided to vacuum the bathroom drain to see what would happen. Turns out it will cause stinking septic water to get sucked into the machine and spew all over the walls, ceiling and vanity. It also causes the vacuum cleaner to stop working. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 746
You deserved it 37 968

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what the **** did you expect? a leprechaun to come out with his gold?


At least you didn't suck in some cockroaches living down there. Or maybe you did and they're splattered all over your bathroom.

CliffyB03 28
MadInTheMorning 10

Curiosity killed the vacuum.

Vacuum cleaner? More like vacuum dirtier! Amirite??? ....I'll show myself out.

YDI. What in the world made you think that would be not a good idea, but even a sane idea? I mean I think its quite funny what happened, but come on its not Mousetrap....

Thank you so much for sharing this . I can't stop laughing. Hope you get it cleaned up x