By WamBamSam - 21/11/2012 09:54 - United Kingdom - Kidderminster

Today, whilst at a red light in my car, a homeless man with a spray bottle and a dirty rag came over to clean my windows. He started with the driver's window, which was wide open, and whatever was in his spray bottle smelled suspiciously like urine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 082
You deserved it 2 351

Same thing different taste


Don't you know? It is urine. It's meant for you to freak out and try to get him away from your car quickie. What better way than to hand him money and shoo him away?

perdix 29

Good thing your sense of smell isn't sharp enough to detect the scents of semen and shit.

Eaglenation7 2

i would have fought the bum for spraying me with piss!

How cheap do you think houses are? And I don't think people would pay you just to watch their windows.

I wonder if his secret to a streak free finish is the ammonia..

So the window was wide open and he just walked over and sprayed you in the face with urine or other terrible substance? FYL

perdix 29

42 - I agree I would never pay someone to watch my windows, that's just silly.