By akieferr - 03/09/2014 02:41 - United States

Today, while undergoing the cumbersome task of screwing the tiny silver ball onto my lip piercing, I clumsily dropped it onto the counter and watched it bounce into the trash can, where it nestled snugly into a used maxi pad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 794
You deserved it 14 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LouisvilleLuke 10

Oh gosh. I guess you could try either wrapping them in toilet paper or getting a lid for your trashcan.


middlenamefrank 8

That's the sort of thing soap was invented for. Get over it.

Jut in case you drop part of your lip piercing onto your used bloody pad? Guess I've been using soap wrong all along

imagineapc 11

As gross as it is, at least you didn't lose it down the drain or something.

Easily fix the problem. Just take all that shit out of your face. Do you seriously think utility makes you attractive?

Actually to alot of people it is pretty damn sexy. I love a girl who has some piercings.

How narcissistic. Not everyone's top priority is to look attractive to you.

kingdomgirl94 29

More to the point, not everyone gets piercings to attract anyone. Attracting another person isn't the be all and end all of existence. Is everything you do cantered around attracting someone?

Lil_Red777 21

A lot of people find it attractive actually.

XBurytheCastleX 25

I got mine because it looks good and I like piercings. We're not here to look good for you.

when I got my lip pierced the only thoughts running through my head was 'I'm gonna love this' or 'this is gonna look so cool' not once did I think 'so and so will think I look sooooooo hot with this in my lip' people don't only get things done to their body just because they think others will like it. even if they do a lot people find it very attractive. just because you don't doesn't mean the entire world doesn't either.

isis_morrigan 18

oh my gosh! really?!!!? I didn't realize that you might find my piercings unattractive! gee, let me get right on that and take them all out, because of course the only reason I got them was for what other people think! uh oh, probably don't like the tattoos either, damn, kinda stuck there. or wait, here's an idea! if you don't like it, **** off! I don't believe you have to finance anyone's piercings, therefore it really shouldn't be a concern for you. you are entitled to your opinion, and you don't have to like it, but you don't have to be such a dick! and for the record, a large number of people find piercings and/or tattoos very sexy. my husband loves every one of the many I have.

ifoundalaska 11

This is why you wrap that up in a handful of toilet paper.

Ewh, just leave it there. Get a new one.

They can transition to a spike but buying a new set isn't worth it where they know where it is

Jellysweetheart 23

Could've been worse... I mean you saw where it fell. Just dunk it in some alcohol to sanitize it and you're good to go.

SexyMexi21 23

Since your a female... why don't your wrap your used pads in toilet paper or common sense.. get a lid. I'm assuming you love by yourself and have no bf. Be a lady and try not to leave at lest your trash open for all to see. nasty. As for the ball well... you'll be alright.

kingdomgirl94 29

That is a ton of conclusions that you're jumping to without any evidence. No where does it say that OP is female, no where does it say that even if OP was female that the used pad is hers, and assuming that OP has no bf or significant other even IF the first two were true is totally groundless as well. I can't even begin to figure out where your assumptions came from.

Sorry to say this but YDI. I just don't understand why people get lip piercings. What is so cool about it? It looks really weird to me. And it looks really painful.

OP deserves to have their piercing jewelry fall onto a bloody pad because you don't personally like lip piercings? Wow, ok.

#38 - Just because you don't like them doesn't mean op deserves it. I just don't understand why you have to be so judgmental. Why does it matter that it looks really weird to you? Apparently it is cool for Op. Get over yourself. I have horseshoe gauges for my ears and know what it's like to lose the ball on the end. You think I deserve it too? Those things aren't that cheap. It can cost anywhere from $4.99 to $16.99 for each individual gauge depending on the size of the piercing jewelry. The one I had that I lost the ball on was $9.99.

XBurytheCastleX 25

You are a close minded imbecile. A lot of people (not all unfotunately) get them because it would look good on them and they are interesting to have. I'm going to piece your lip in your sleep, have fun.

#73 oh god xD pierce their tongue and eyebrows too while you are at it please?

0_0 just get a new one, that's not even worth trying to retrieve. *_*

actually she can, she just needs to wash it with hot water and soap

XBurytheCastleX 25