By Bob - 20/06/2009 04:22 - United States

Today, while teaching at a daycare, a child came up to me and asked if he could go to the bathroom. Obviously, I said it was fine. He then pulled his pants down, and pee on my brand new shoes, and all over my leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 065
You deserved it 4 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow... Children are so literal. I can see it happening so quickly that you didn't realize what he was doing. Maybe next time you might want to say "Yes, you may use the bathroom in the bathroom," as you're guiding the child to the lavatory. Whatever you do, don't take your eyes off of him/her. lol


SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

When a child asks permission to do something, you have to be veeeerry careful about your response. my little sister asked me if it was bad to bite her friends, and I said yes. the next day she came home from school, and she had bit another child there. I told her that I said it was bad to bite her friends, and she responded "but she wasn't my friend!" :3 children live for loopholes, and they're way too literal sometimes o.o

Damn... I wonder where he learned THAT habit... You might wanna check out the parents for anything... weird :P

YDI, move out the way.... either that or this is fake

chexmex 0

My five year old cousin did that to me when he called me a bitch in Spanish and I threatened to get my dad on him. Best part: I was gonna meet up with the guy that was interested in me at the time later. FYL XP

and now you know that it's definatly better to be pissed off then pissed on.

Wow kids are stupid i was always about 4 years more mature in my childhood and made great strides in reaseaech and problem solving

you should try making great strides in spelling. if you dont know what that is go reaseaech it

Next time you go to work, kick that little ****** in the nuts.

sweetbiotch88 0

You should have sucked his wiener