By smiley1014 - 18/11/2013 09:14 - United States

Today, while swimming in the ocean, I felt some sand under my wedding ring. I took it off for a second, and got hit by a huge wave. My ring is now lost somewhere in the ocean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 652
You deserved it 43 314

smiley1014 tells us more.

smiley1014 23

I guess I didn't put on the FML that I am a male. My wife told me that she wants me to wear my ring (except during work, which is Aviation and we're not allowed). I told her I wasn't comfortable wearing it in the ocean, and she said I had to anyway. After losing my ring, my wife bought snorkel equipment and I spent an hour diving for it until the sun set. My wife and I have been married for 5 years, and we both got a laugh out of it, and we purchased another ring the next day in a Hawaiian market that now has a story and more meaning than the first ring.

Top comments

XDsmileyDX_fml 24

Where did taking your ring off in the ocean sound like a good idea?

Why does your wife get to decide what you should do if you don't feel comfortable with it? I'm glad everything worked out though.


gman4354 2

Why you would wear your wedding ring in the ocean at all is a better question...

Sure, that's what you told your wife. Now tell us the real story - you just lost it or a hooker stole it?

Obviously a hooker stole it, when you're swimming in the ocean and lost your wedding ring it had to be a hooker.

I'm sure that she saw it on him when he entered the water, and he told her as soon as he lost it...

Wtf does a hooker have to do with anything

bradywells7 6

Actually chimps are quite smart. Don't insult any animal by comparing them to this idiot. :p

beelee1988 13

29, I love that movie. All seven and a half hours of it.

I thought the Tenth Kingdom was a TV series...

The same thing happened to my husband a few weeks ago. Our love belongs to Atlantis now

Better of keeping it on...or just don't wear it in the ocean...still got your engagement ring? That's a good substitute...

I've never met a guy who got an engagement ring. That's a really modern thing. Usually just women get them.

#129. Actually I think that depends on where you're from, where I live it is not uncommon for both partners to wear an engagement ring.

well according to the FML OP is a he.. so..

At least you have a good story to tell, I have a second engagement ring since my first one broke

ashliilynise 11

no, its just a really really long movie