By Anonymous - 06/03/2011 00:30 - United States

Today, while sleeping, I heard an explosion. My neighbor then knocked on my door and informed me that he had just hit my car with shrapnel from a cannon. Not only do I not have a car to drive, but I also have to put this claim on my insurance due to my neighbor being on welfare. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 581
You deserved it 2 702

Leverathin tells us more.

For anyone that's following this, the cops were called. I was on the phone with my insurance company due to him not having any kind of insurance. Next thing I know the cops are busting into the building with shields and rifles

Top comments

thewhiteninja 0
Kefka91 15

Well... that sure as hell doesn't happen every day... WTF was your neighbor doing with a ******* canon?!?!? (other than shooting shit obviously)


brighteyes81 0

This exact thing was posted a while ago. Stupid.

What in blazes is he doing with a cannon?! I have it say, that is pretty awesome. I would befriend your neighbor, he sounds epic, especially by having the balls to tell you what happened.

mishkaroni 15

I'm a bitch when it comes to my car that I would have called the police. Most likely that neighbor shouldn't be shooting off a cannon and it's their responsibility to pay for damages when being so idiotic.

He damaged your property, file a police report, and court will make him pay restitution little by little.

greenorange75 8

A cannon?! Is your neighbor Peter Griffin?!

Sue his ass. If he has enough time and money to shoot off a cannon he can fix the car

I hope you went after all the neighbor had because what the hell is someone on welfare doing with a cannon

needsagf14 12

On welfare and buying explosives...