By and god shat - 11/07/2014 23:38 - United States - Klamath Falls

Today, while sitting on my front porch, my cat came up beside me. I started idly stroking her, only to turn and realize I was petting a wild raccoon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 277
You deserved it 9 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments


What is it, exactly, that you're whining about?

"Come here kitty, come snuggle with momma." I can't be the only one who immediately thought of that commercial.

Neither FYL or YDI. Some raccoons can be extremely sociable and almost tame around humans. I'd say you're lucky you got one of those, but, in fact, if the raccoon had been less "tame," he or she wouldn't have approached you so close in the first place.

ninjacow123 6

Has anyone told you your beautiful? cause if not I'm telling you right now

Aww man,that's really cute ^^ Keeping them is an awful idea but I always strive to be a good host, so I hope you at least offered him some cat food?

Hey, at least it wasn't a skunk ! :P

lasagnanarcotics 14

That is sooo rad, tbh i'd try to take it inside my home and love it (forever)

Michael2687 9

Lucky!! I wish I could pet a raccoon. :(

That thing obviously isn't too wild! :p