By Anonymous - 11/11/2014 23:48 - France

Today, while shopping, a lady came up to me and asked if she could borrow my baby because, "Y'know, I'm in a hurry and they'll let me checkout first." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 322
You deserved it 2 697

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd heard of pretending to be pregnant to get a seat on the bus but this is new to me


Haha that's actually a good idea, minus the part about "borrowing" a baby

Psycho_Babydoll 26

Yeah, sure, lemme just loan my own flesh and blood as a prop to the first complete stranger who asks.

didn't you tell her that's why u had a baby in the first place?

Who the hell "borrows a baby" from a complete stranger ?!!! What a strange idea !!

KaywinnetLeeFrye 15

I'm amazed at the strangers who think they can touch someone else's baby for ANY reason, much less a crazy ass one like this.

epilepticloh 20

What was he gonna do with the baby afterwards if he was in a hurry???

I would probably not give a baby to some random stranger about to walk out of the store....

Still not as bad as the cashier who asked me what WIC was for. Seriously. A CASHIER. And proceeded to ask 'Is that like, something people get for help or what? Cause I seriously don't know.' I'm 22. She was alot older than me..